Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weekend Recap

Hi everyone! I haven't wrote a blog for a few days now so I'll catch you up on what I have been up to.

Saturday I had my first class, which I though was going to be about research but instead it was about an organization called Seafood Watch. Anyone ever heard of it? If not, you should definitely look into it! This organization gives new updates everyday about the best Seafood choices to make. They base it off of how the seafood is caught, where it is caught, if it is overfished, if it was farmed, and much more. They do all the work for you so YOU can ensure you are making the best seafood choices when you purchase some from a menu or even by some from the store. They have a free app on smart phones which I have recently downloaded, but they also have mini brochures that get updated every 6 months so you can carry it around with you at all times. I highly recommend you all look into this and start making some SMART seafood choices :)

Okay, I'm done with my conservation talk now hehe. Saturday night I said goodbye to my good friend Lizzie who is now off to her next adventure, teaching marine ecology in the British Virgin Islands. It was sad, but we hope to meet again some day and definitely get a few dives in together.

On Sunday my landlord invited me to go boating with his family and close friends. They live in Miami, but they have another place down here that they stay at from time to time when it is not rented out. The house is literally right around the corner from my place except it is on the canal. We went to two different sites out in the ocean where everyone parks their boats, anchors, and basically BBQ's and relaxes in the water all day. It was a GREAT time! When we came back they cooked some burgers and we all just ate and swam in the canal channels. They were so nice to me and fed me all day long. I was so thankful that they invited me! They told me they would invite me to go boating in Miami some day soon (they live exactly an hour from here) and they also plan on coming down July 4th to watch the fireworks on the boat out in the water. They invited me to that to, so that is something to look forward too! :)

For Memorial Day I was kind of bummed I wasn't with my family relaxing by the pool, but I still had a good day. I had a great day at work (it's always a great day when you get to see and play with dolphins), and at night Holly, Christina and I got together to have a small cook out for ourselves. We had burgers, chips, and some fruit and hung out at their place all night. It was nice to do something different and we all three had a fun time.

Tuesday I went to work again only I was on fish duty so I had to get there an hour earlier. This time I felt much more comfortable, I actually can recognize which fish is which (there are nine different kinds and many of them look very similar) and the flow of things went much faster and smoother. I got to get in the water with the dolphins again yesterday and more and more I get to assist the trainers with different husbandry tasks which is always cool. I love knowing that they trust me to help them out. I figured it must be hard for them to have to constantly re-teach the interns every time they get new ones and I'm sure some people are better at different tasks than others so they have to be careful with us. However, we try our best and if there is ever anything we don't know how to do it usually just takes a little more practice and they completely understand that! I also had to give my first briefing to the public yesterday. Honestly, it was easier than I thought and I did pretty good. From here on it will only get easier too :)

Today was my day off. I tried to sleep in (although I can't sleep in past 8 now) and then I went to the gym. After the gym I went to Holly and Christina's pool in their little gated community. I was planning on tanning and getting rid of my shorts tan, but it was so hot I could only stay outside for an hour or so. Yes, I still have my shorts tan :(

Then I went and got a pedicure and came home and cleaned my place. I also made some yummy chicken salad (however, it tastes nothing like my mom's no matter how hard I try), so that will be yummy for lunch tomorrow! I have another class tomorrow and this time it really will be about research haha.

Tonight Christina, Holly and I are driving up to Homestead (which is about 40 minutes north) to go to Michael's so we can buy some crafts :) We're also going to have dinner at Olive Garden, since there is nothing like that here in the Keys. It will be fun to get out for the night!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend and is having a good week as well. Bye, friends! :D

1 comment:

  1. Im sure your chicken salad was yummy..... but yes, mine is pretty special. hee
